If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact, you should IMMEDIATEL


If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact, you should IMMEDIATELY ______.

A.administer oxygen

B.treat victim for shock

C.flush skin and eyes with water

D.give victim stimulant

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If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.

Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her' hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake your hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable.

Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each other's hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. One's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmth. The hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be'? Just grasp the person's hand completely and do not press it too hard.

21. Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?

A. Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting.

B. Handshakes are more than a way of greeting

C. Handshakes can show our personality.

22. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should().

A. stand up and shake his or her hand

B. keep seated and shake his or her hand

C. bow and say hello to him or her

23. Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes, the other person feel.

A. nervous

B. comfortable

C. afraid

24. How long does a handshake usually last?

A. As long as the conversation lasts.

B. 5 minutes.

C. 23 seconds.

25. Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?

A. brief and strong

B. brief and firm

C. brief and soft



One of your crew members falls overboard from the starboard sida.You should IMMEDIATELY ______.

A.position your vessel to windward and begin recovery

B.apply left rudder

C.throw the crew member a life preserver

D.begin backing your engines



Many people, including some policemen, believe eye contact is a good test of honesty. If someone can't look at you directly in the eye, then he or she is not playing honestly, they insist. After many experiments, however, a number of experts have found out that good liars can make false eye contact.

Eye contact, though not a sure sign of dishonesty, is a clear way to show interest in another person. When a person looks at you and continues to do so, you know his attention is placed on you. When he turns his head away, his mind is probably elsewhere. But there are exceptions. A shy person may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person. And certain nationalities, such as the British and Germans, are much less oriented to eye-to-eye contact than, say, the French and the Arabs.

Eye contact should be natural, not forced or overdone.

Have short periods of eye contact while you watch other parts of the person's face — especially the mouth. When the person smiles, be sure to smile back. But always make an effort to return your gaze to the person's eyes as she speaks. It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others, and not have eye contact at all times.

Too much eye contact, especially if it is forced, can work against you. If you stare at a person, or leer in a suspicious way, the other person may feel uncomfortable and even suspicious about your intent. A fixed stare can seem like aggressive behavior. if it is a challenge as to who will look away first.

(1)Many people believe that eye contact is a sign of ___________.




D、A and C

(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A、Eye contact is a way to show interest in another person.

B、When a person looks at you, his attention is placed on you.

C、When a person fails to make eye contact, he is definitely not interested in you.

D、It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others.

(3)While we watch other person's face, we should have short periods of eye contact with, especially, other people's _____________.





(4)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A、Eye contact is not a good test of honesty.

B、Some people may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person.

C、If someone can look at you directly in the eye, he or she is playing honestly.

D、A number of experts have found out that no one can make false eye contact.

(5)This passage mainly discusses ________________.

A、how to test one is honest or not by the way of eye contact

B、how to make eye contact

C、how to avoid too much eye contact

D、the function of correct eye contact



You are on a multiple product tanker and carrying methyl acrylate,diethanolamine,and triethylamine. Which statement is TRUE?

A.Methyl acrylate may be loaded in a tank adjacent to diethanolamine but not triethylamine

B.The heating coils to the cargo tank loaded with methyl acrylate must be blanked off

C.Valve components made of aluminum,copper,or zinc may not be in contact with the cargoes

D.Each crew member working on deck must have an emergency escape breathing apparatus



Which of following is NOT a nonverbal behavior. in people’s communication? ()

A.the way one sits

B.how much one smiles

C.the telephone messages

D.how much eye contact one makes

解析:本句参考译文:下列哪一项不是人类交际中的非言语行为?【知识点来源:Unit 2】本题考查非言语交际的形式。选项“the telephone messages”(电话信息)是言语交际符号,其他三项都是非言语交际行为:the way one sits(某人的坐姿);how much eye contact one makes(某人有多少目光接触);how much one smiles(某人微笑的多寡),都在交际中传送大量的信息。


Do you have any idears about how to deliver a speech.___________

A.Molly,are you ready for the weekend speech

B.The point of speech is not totally depending on the content

C.First, you should remember to keep eye-contact with your audience.



A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should ______.

A.lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised

B.administer a liquid stimulant

C.lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet

D.attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness



Which of the following statements are examples of the nonverbal behavior. of the job interview?

A.In what style. you choose to speak (e.g. begin with a story or a question) in the conversation.

B.In what way you behave (e.g. behave appropriately or not) in the conversation.

C.In what manner you speak (e.g. speak fast, short or aloud) in the conversation.

D.What body language you use (e.g. speak with or without eye contact) in the conversation.



A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given ______.

A.a small dose of alcohol

B.treatment for shock

C.a large meal

D.a brisk rub down



If a mooring line should part while you are tying up at a dock,you should make a temporary eye by tying a ______.

A.becket bend

B.clove hitch


D.square knot

