
How many securities do you need to ________ there?

A.check the order

B.keep the order

C.stand in line

D.join forces


()wine do you need for the party?

A. How much

B. How little

C. How many


“请问您还需要点什么 ”用英语最妥当的表述是( )。

A.Do you need anything more

B.Do you need something else

C.Would you like something more

D.Would you like anything more


“请问喝什么茶”用英语最妥当的表述是( )。

A.What is the juice do you like

B.What is the coffee do you like

C.What is the tea do you like

D.What is the wine do you like


A:( ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you.

A. Do you want

B. What would you like

C. What you like


管理英语1网核形考任务单元自测8答案题目: A wine do you need for the party?A、How muchB、How littleC、How many题目:- Are you ready, folks? A A、Yes, Im ready. Ill have the vegetable salad.B、There is nothing I like to eat.C、No, I have no idea what to eat.题目: - Good morning, can I help you?- B A、Yes, of course you canB、ld like to borrow a book named Gone With the Wind from your libraryC、No, I just have a look around.题目:-Hello, Yang Lin speaking.- A A、This is Carol here.B、Do you know who l am?C、l am Carol.题目: - Hey, You look so pale.Whats wrong?- B A、Its none of your business.B、I didnt sleep well last night.C、lt doesnt matter.题目:- Please give me a hand to print out the report, wont you?- A A、Of course I will.B、Dont mention it.C、You are so kind.题目:Does David?: B A、likes flyingB、like flyingC、like to flying题目:He A lunch in the canteen right now.A、is havingB、haveC、has题目:He can B good English.A、TalkB、SpeakC、say题目:I have an English class A a week.A、three timesB、three timeC、three题目:I usually go to the office A train.A、ByB、OnC、at题目:It was on the beach C Miss White found the kid lying dead.A、WhichB、ItC、that题目:Neither John C his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning trainA、ButB、OrC、nor题目:The Foreign Language Department is on B second floor.A、AnB、TheC、/题目:You have more apples than A do.But A are better than yours.A、we, oursB、us, weC、ours, us二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. Years ago, zoos kept all kinds of animals in smallcages. AA.多年以前,动物园把各种动物都关在小笼子里,B.几年前,动物园保留所有动物在大笼子里。C.多年以前,动物园给所有看管动物的人发很少的工资。2. He was too tired to say a word and went to bed at once. AA.他太累了,一句话也没说就立刻上床睡觉去了。B.他太累了,说完话就立刻上床了。C.他太累了,只说了一句话就立刻上床了。3. Think about it and answer me,why are you so happy now? CA.思考一下这个问题,然后回答我“为什么是你如此快乐现在?。B.思考一下这个问题,然后回答我“为什么我是如此不快乐?C.思考一下这个问题,然后回答我“你现在为什么这么快乐?4. At last the Enalishman aot anary with the visitor thouah he tried not to show it. BA.最后英国人生游客的气了,所以他假装累了不带他参观。B.最后英国人已很讨厌这位游客,但他尽力不表现出来。C.最后英国人很生这位游客的气了,尽管他累得没力气表现出来了。5. I have no idea of how to use my OA account. BA.我一点都不想使用我的OA账号。B.我不知道如何使用我的OA账号。C.我没有使用OA账户的想法。二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从A,B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Listen to the dialog and choose the best answer to each question.U8%20-%20Task%203.mp31.When will the health care lecture be held? BA. Next month.B. Next week.C. This weekend.2.How many ways are mentioned to publish the news about the lecture? CA. 3. B. 4 . C.5 .3.What is the advantage of putting information online? A A. Its easy and convenient.B. Its cheaper and practical.C. Its personal and interactive.4.Which way is expensive in publishing information? BA. Putting the news on the website.B. Printing some posters.C. Putting a notice on the bulletin board.5.Have Melinda and Helen decided on how to publish the news of lecture? BA. Yes, they have.B. No, they havent.C. They cant reach an agreement.阅读理解: 阅读下面的知文,根据文草内容从A,B.C一个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Hi,Xiaoyan,You want to know about my gym.The gym is “New You”The phone number is 020 791 1340.Its near Oxford Circus.There is a swimming pool and there are a lot of classes.There is a yoga class on Tuesday morning and there are aerobics classes every evening. There is also a Tai Chi class, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon between 2:00 and 3:00.There are lots of runningmachines and weights machines, but there arent any bicycles. Theres a sauna, but there isnt a steam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics! The best time to come is in the evening because there are a lot of trainers to help you. There are different ways to pay for the classes. You can pay by cash, credit card or cheque.See you there?Jane1. When can you go to aerobics class in“New You”? BA. On Monday morning.B.On Saturday evening.C. Every day in the daytime.2. When does the Tai Chi class start? CA.On Wednesday.B. On Saturday afternoon.C.At 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday.3. What is free in the gym? BA. Steam room.B. Cosmetics.C. Sauna.4. Why is it best to come in the evenings? AA. Because there are a lot of trainers to help you.B. Because there are less people.C. Because there are more classes.5. How can you pay for the class? CA. Only by cheque.B. Free charge.C. By credit card or cash.

If you refuse to do it,you must be ready to take the( ).


A选项意为“后果”,含有逻辑推理或发展之意;B选项意为“结果”,含有较强的因果感;C选项意为“最终结局之感”;D选项意为“结果,成果”,最常用。该句意为:如果你拒绝去做,你就得承担后果。句中take the consequence意为“承担后果”。故答案为A。

小学英语 听说
题目来源:5月19日 上午 湖南省常德市 面试考题
1.题目:What can you do?
Miss White: We’ ll have an English party next Tuesday? What can you do for the party, children?
Zhang Peng: I can sing English songs.
Miss White: Wonderful! How about you, John?
John: I can do some kung fu.
Miss White: Thank you, John.
1. 谈谈你的教学目标。
2. 如何提高学生的听力水平?

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
Students can know how to ask others’ ability by using the sentence pattern “what can you do”.
Students can know how to answer others’ questions about ability by using the sentence pattern “I can...”.
Ability aim:
Students can improve their intensive listening and extensive listening ability.
Emotional aims:
Students can increase their confidence in speaking English.
Students will have the strong will to improve their ability.
Key and difficult point:
Key point: Students can improve their listening about asking and answering the ability.
Difficult point: Students can use the sentences in their daily life and improve their interests in learning English
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.
2. Share a tongue twister with the students.
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
Ask students what word they hear in the tongue twister. They may answer the word “can”. Then tell students today we will learn more about “can” and the title is “what can you do?”.
Step 2: Pre-listening
1. Show students the picture about students’ ability like singing and doing kung fu. Then ask the students to predict what they can do. Students may answer they can sing and they can do kung fu. Then let students to listen to the tape and check whether their prediction is right.
Step 3: While-listening
1. Extensive listening
Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and answer two questions “How many students are there in this conversation and who are they?” and “What can they do?”. Then write down the names and sentences on the blackboard.
2. Intensive listening
Listen to the tape for the second time and ask students to fill in the table on the blackboard. Then invite some of them to finish the table and check it.

Step4: Post-listening
Ask students to do a survey about what they can do. Four students in one group. Five minutes will be given. Then invite the group leader to do the report. The teacher retells one piece of detailed information from the report and gives encouragement.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: The teacher and students summarize what we have learnt in this class together.
Homework: Draw the pictures according to the sentence pattern “I can...” we have learnt today. And share it next class.

1. What are your teaching aims?
My teaching aims are three-dimensional, including knowledge aim, ability aim and emotional aim.
Firstly, my knowledge aim is that students can know how to ask and answer the topic about one’s ability by using the sentence pattern “what can you do” and “I can...”.
Secondly, my ability aim is that students can improve their intensive listening and extensive listening ability.
Thirdly, my emotional aims are that students can increase their confidence in speaking English and that students will have the strong will to improve their ability.
2. How will you improve the students’ listening ability?
Listening ability is the long-term training. To improve students’ listening ability needs plenty of listening training and effective guidance.
First, I will give students the specific guidance in different listening material. For example, I guided students to pay attention to the answer of the question sentence to get the idea.
Second, I will try to play the tape for students every class, so that students can have more chances to hear the native English. The more they listen, the more they will be familiar with the English accents.

高中英语 听力
The word “tsunami” often arouses panic and fear. Yet there is no need to be so anxious if you know what to do. As long as you have ten minutes warning, you will survive no matter how powerful the actual tsunami may be. Unfortunately, many people are unconscious of the risk they may be facing. As soon as you hear the warning, put on your shoes and walk inland as quickly as you can. Do not fear, tremble or remain tied to the spot at the thought of those high waves. Ten minutes running away from the sea is all you need to save yourself from danger. Remember this and you will be absolutely safe.
(1) 朗读所给段落
(2) 配合教学内容适当板书
(3) 针对该段落的内容,设计相应的听力理解教学活动。
(4) 用英文试讲
(5) 试讲时间:10分钟。
答辩题目1.How to evaluate students’ performance?
2. Please the person that influence you most.

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
(1) Students are able to understand the content of the passage.
(2) Students can master some basic reading strategies.
Ability aim:
Students can use different basic reading strategies like analyzing, grasping details correctly in their reading process.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more willing to get involved in class activities and boost their interest in learning English.
Students may enhance their awareness towards some natural disasters.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: understand the main content of the passage.
Difficult Point: improve students’ learning interest and boost their confidence of speaking in public.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greeting.
2. Watch a video:
Show students a short video clip about earthquake and ask students to answer some questions:
(1). What happened in the video?
(2). Are you afraid of such kind of disaster?
Invite two students to share their answers and lead in the topic- disaster.
Step 2: Pre-listening
Ask students how many kinds of natural disasters they know, try to recall some words related to natural disasters. Write down some of their answers on the blackboard to and give evaluation to the students.
2.Prediction:教师资格考试考前黑钻押题,瑞牛题库软件考前更新,下载链接 www.niutk.com
Ask students to make a prediction about what kind natural disaster may be mentioned in the passage.
Step 3: While-listening
A. Extensive listening:
1.Let students to listen to the passage for the first time. Ask students a question: What kind of disaster is mentioned in the passage? (This passage talks about the tsunami)
2.Then invite one student answer the question and give evaluation.
B. Intensive listening:
1.Ask students to listen to the passage for the second time and finish the exercise on the blackboard to have a better understand about the disaster:
1). If you have a ten minutes warning, you will not survive. (T/F)
2). What should you do after you hear the warning?
3). What shouldn’t we do at the thought of those high waves?

2.Then invite two students to answer these questions separately and give evaluation. Write down the right answers on the blackboard.
3. Read the passage for the students and ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step4: post-listening
Divide students into groups of 4 and lead them to have a discussion about what else should we to protect ourselves from tsunami. 5 minutes will be given and after that, choose some representatives to share their ideas.
2. Interview:
Ask students to work in pairs, one is the interviewee and the other is the interviewer. Then make an interview to imitate a reporter to interview a victim suffered from tsunami.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Surf on the Internet and find more natural disasters and make a poster about their findings.

1.How to evaluate students’ performance?
Students may make some mistakes during their process of learning, but as for how to correct their mistakes, it is an art. Students in this age like being praised by teachers and do not want to be blamed for their mistakes. So, as a teacher, we must know to evaluate students’ performance artfully. No matter what their answers are, we must give them positive evaluations to encourage them. For example, we can say to them “good job” “well done” “you are a good listener” “you can do better next time” and so on to respond to their performance. If we correct their mistakes directly, they may lose hear in learning. So, we teachers must praise them more, and they may get more interested in our English class.
2. Please the person that influence you most.
When it comes to the person that influence me most, I would think of my English teacher in senior high school. She is the most helpful person that I have ever met. At that time, we are very naughty and do not know the importance of study. Though she was not responsible for the management of our class, but she would spend some of her spare time to tell us the importance of study. Our English is very poor also, she would try her best to teach us some good ways to memorize words and improve our listening, reading, speaking abilities and so on. Finally, the majority of us all passed the test for college entrance examination. And influenced by her, I choose English/ English education as my major. I am looking forward to being a teacher just like her.

Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?()

AYes, you may borrow

BYes, you could

CYes, go on

DYes, help yourself 


Would you like to see a film?()

AYes, I'd love to.

BDo it, please

CNo, you like it?

DHow do you do?


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