
- May I help you, madam? - ().

A、Sorry, I have no idea

B、Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges

C、You'd better give me a hand


– But what do you want me to do there? – ()

A、You have to give a presentation on what our products are.

B、Thank you so much for doing such a favor for me.

C、Take it easy. There’s nothing to be worried about.



------- That would be great! Please drop me off at the library.

A. could you bring me the bill

B. would you like me to give you a lift

C. could you tell me the postcode for Patia

D. Would you like to have my e-mail address.


I'm_ h__________ ,would you please give me something to eat?


-You mean... like becoming a publicly-traded company? -That's right. ______________ .

A It's something we should give serious consideration to ;

B It will still be a privately held company ;

C It will become a privately held company


初中英语名词专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、选择填空( ) 1.I want something to eat.Please give me a _.A.book B.watchC.shirtD.cake( ) 2.- Whats the _ like today? - Cloudy.A.sky B.air C.landD.weather( ) 3.Which is the _ to the bus stop, please?A.roadB.way C.streetD.address( ) 4._ that pair of new _ Marys?A.Is, shoe B.Are, shoeC.Is, shoes D.Are, shoes( ) 5.Im very thirsty.May I have _, please?A.two cups of teas B.two cups of teaC.two cup of teas D.two cup of tea( ) 6.March 8 is _ Day.A.WomansB.WomansC.Woman of D.Womens( ) 7.We should keep our _ clean.A.tooth B.tooths C.toothesD.teeth( ) 8.There are _ workers in the factory.A.thousand B.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of( ) 9.Wu Dong won the girls _ race in the school sports meeting last week.A.100 metres B.100-metres C.100 metre D.100-metre( ) 10.How many _ can you see in the picture?A.tomatos B.tomatoesC.tomatoD.the tomato( ) 11.Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city, but she had no _.A.trouble B.idea C.luckD.time( ) 12._ foreigners visit the Great Wall every year.A.Thousands of B.ThousandC.ThousandsD.Thousand of( ) 13.Where are the students? They are in _.A.the Room 8 B.Room 8 C.the 8 Room D.8 Room( ) 14.Whats your _ for being late again?A.idea B.keyC.excuseD.news( ) 15.- I feel tireD.I have so much work to do and dont have much time for myself.- You should take _, I think.A.health B.exercise C.lesson D.time( ) 16.Can you see a little _ in the picture?A.sheep B.dogs C.pigsD.horses( ) 17.There are _ on the table.A.a glass of water B.a glass of milk C.two glasses of water D.a glass of oranges( ) 18.The sing “NUSINESS HOURS” can be seen in a _.A.shop B.schoolC.park D.museum( ) 19.Ask the boy not to make any _.I cant fall asleep.A.voice B.soundC.noise D.singing( ) 20.Twelve _ were hurt, but no _ were lost in that accident.A.person, life B.people, livesC.peopeles, livesD.persons, life( ) 21.The_ are going to fly to Harbin.A.Germen B.GermanyC.GermanysD.Germans( ) 22.A group of _ are talking with two _.A.Frenchmen, Germans B.German, Frenchmen C.Frenchmans, Germen D.Germans, Frenchmans( ) 23.- Please help me move the table in.- But there is not enough _ for it.A.place B.floorC.roomD.ground( ) 24.Look, these _ eating grass on the hill.A.sheep is B.sheeps isC.sheep areD.sheeps are( ) 25.My father told me _ just now.A.two piece of news B.two pieces of news C.two news D.two pieces of newses( ) 26.May 1 is _ Day.A.the Work Peoples B.the Working people C.the Working PeoplesD.the Workers( ) 27.The _ eat a lot of rice.A.Japanese B.Japan peopleC.people of Japanese D.Japaneses( ) 28.Here come three _.A.woman teacher B.women teacher C.woman teachers D.women teachers( ) 29._ turn green in spring.A.Leaf B.LeavesC.LeaveD.Leafs( ) 30.Tables are made of _.A.wood B.some woods C.woodenD.woods( ) 31.If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller _.A.set B.one C.piece D.pair( ) 32.Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble.A.an advice B.adviceC.advicesD.the advices( ) 33.We know _ travels not so fast as light.A.sound B.soundsC.the sounds D.a sound( ) 34.Will you make_ with Tom?A.friend B.a friendC.friendsD.the friend( ) 35.Joan is _.A.Marys and Jack sisterB.Mary and Jacks sister C.Mary and Jack sister D.Marys and Jacks sister( ) 36.Mr.Smith has _ and he is quite able to pay for the house.A.million dollars B.millions of dollars C.millions of dollar D.million of dollars( ) 37.The whole trip cost _ about three thousand dollars.A.the SmithsB.SmithsC.the SmithsD.the Smith( ) 38.After that they had _ sleep.A.a night good B.a nights good C.a good night D.a good nights( ) 39.Yesterday we visited _.A.a friend of my uncles B.unclesC.uncleD.my uncles( ) 40.This is my _ dictionary.A.sister Mary B.sisters C.sister Marys D.sisters Marys( ) 41.Miss Smith is a friend of _.A.Marys mothers B.Marys mother C.Mary mothers D.mothers of Mary( ) 42.This is a useful book for _.A.maths teacher B.mathss teachers C.maths teachers D.maths teachers( ) 43.Help yourself to some _, please.A.fishes B.fish meatC.fish D.fishs( ) 44.There are _ stamp collectors in our class.A.a number B.numberC.the

—You want to know about the value added tax, don’t you?—()

A. Yes, you need to introduce it for me.

B. Yes, could you give me a brief overview of it?

C. Yes, you must tell it to me.


I want _____to help me with my homework.

A. somebody

B. anybody .

C. something



-I'd like to see a pair of brown shoes.

A、What do you want

B、What do you like

C、What can I do for you

D、Do you want to buy something


I'm very h__________________ .Please give me something to eat.


2. We want you _______something about your vacation plans.

A.to say





更多 “初中英语中考复习名词专项练习(附参考答案)2” 相关考题
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考题 单选题A: Excuse me, Mr. Black, can you spare me a few minutes? There’s something I’d like to speak to you about. I won’t keep you long.  B: ______A What do you want to talk with?B Yes, go ahead.C What’s the matter?D Oh, nice to see you, John.正确答案:A解析:A方请求与B方谈话,需要B方做出同意或不同意的答复。A项和C项用在此场景很不得体;D项不符合这一场景。B项“行,说吧”表示B方同意,是正确答案。

考题 单选题Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?()A No, thanks.B No, I wouldn'tC Yes, I want.D Yes, I like.正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题在“报考号”字段设定查询条件“Like”M”……,运行查询表后显示的()。A 报考号为“M”的记录B 报考号以“M”开头的所有记录C 报考号为Like“M”的记录正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

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考题 在“报考号”字段设定查询条件“Like”M”……,运行查询表后显示的()。A、报考号为“M”的记录B、报考号以“M”开头的所有记录C、报考号为Like“M”的记录正确答案:B

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考题 单选题在“报考号”字段设定查询条件“Like”M”……,运行查询表后显示的()。A 报考号为“M”的记录B 报考号以“M”开头的所有记录C 报考号为Like“M”的记录正确答案:A解析:暂无解析