
  明火属于(  )火源











A. Open B. Run C. Execute D. Dim

(1)A或Open       (2分)

His interest _______ fishing.

A. lies in

B. lays in

C. lies to

D. lies


There are two sides ________every question.

A. of

B. in

C. to

D. at






正确答案:错误 答案解析:

Module 7 单元课堂检测卷您的姓名: 填空题 *_.单选1.Jenny, put on your coat, _ you will catch a cold. 单选题 *A. or 【正确答案】B. andC. butD. so2. My teacher often _ us with so much useful advice. 单选题 *A. provides 【正确答案】B. offersC. givesD. shows3. The students are preparing for the coming test _ the end of June. 单选题 *A. at 【正确答案】B. inC. toD. on4. The English course will _ for about a month. 单选题 *A. last 【正确答案】B. spendC. costD. pay5.Work hard, and you will make greater _ in all the subjects. 单选题 *A. chanceB. cultureC. activityD. progress 【正确答案】6. Im feeling terrible ! I have a bad cold.-Youd better _ a doctor at once. 单选题 *A. to seeB. see 【正确答案】C. sawD. seeing7. We formed close _ with teachers during our three-month course in Australia. 单选题 *A.systemsB.friendships 【正确答案】C. backgroundsD.competitions8. The children took a trip _ the Great Wall last week. 单选题 *A. to 【正确答案】B. forC. withD. at9. He bought a lot of things in the market and the _ cost was 600 yuan. 单选题 *A. allB. total 【正确答案】C. highD. daily10.You have to _ one hundred and fifty yuan for those books. 单选题 *A.takeB. spendC. pay 【正确答案】D. costII.完形填空 Some people say that English is an easy language to learn. At the same time they think thatChinese is the 11 But is that true? It _12_ many things. Chinese, for example, has no tense (时态), but its writing system is very _13_ from that of English. One thing might be harder, _14_ another is simpler.I think English is neither easy nor difficult. With experience and practice, it becomes easier. Without experience and practice, it is harder than many languages. What makes a language easier? First, you should always use it. Second, if you are _15_ in it, it will become easier. Third, its a good idea to_16_ articles (文章) in that language. _17_, talk with people in that language. Each language _18_ its peculiarities (特点), and that is easy and hard features of it. Of course if your mother tongue (母语) shares the same things with the language you are learning, things will be easier.11.单选题 *A. most interestingB.shortestC. most difficult 【正确答案】D. easiest12. 单选题 *A. lives onB. puts onC. keeps onD.depends on 【正确答案】13. 单选题 *A. easyB. different 【正确答案】C. funD. slow14. 单选题 *orsobut 【正确答案】D. because15. 单选题 *confusedtiredinterested 【正确答案】D. bored16. 单选题 * 【正确答案】B.C.listenD. speak17. 单选题 *A.ClearlyB.Finally 【正确答案】C.NearlyD. Recently18. 单选题 *A.B.eatsC.writesD. has 【正确答案】. 阅读理解 My name is Betty Sanders. Im a telephone operator (话务员) and work for a company. My job is very interesting. I love it very much. I work five days a week and my working hours is from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.I do a lot of things I place long-distance (转接长途) calls for people; I answer questions and I help people when they are in tro、uble. Today, I had an interesting experience. At 11 oclock this morning, I got a call from a man. He was in trouble and I could tell that he was worried about something. He gave me an address (地址) and asked me to send an ambulance (救护车) right away. I asked him if somebody was hurt, but he didnt answ

does the idea of working abroad _____________ you?

A. fond of

B.interest in

C. appear to

D. appeal to


By the end of last month, three English songs() .

A. have taught

B. have been taught

C. has taught

D. had been taught


The money he spent _______ more than 1,000 dollars.

A. added to

B. added in

C. added up to

D. added on


the english curriculum aims education for all students and stresses _______education.

A. knowledge-oriented

B. quality-oriented

C. skill-oriented

D. test-oriented








更多 “Module7单元课堂检测卷试题及答案” 相关考题
考题 某项测试共有4道题,每道题给出A、B、C、D四个选项,其中只有一项是正确答案。现有张、王、赵、李4人参加了测试,他们的答题情况和测试结果如下:如果每道题的正确答案各不相同,则可以得出以下哪个选项?A.第一题的正确答案是B。 B.第一题的正确答案是C。 C.第二题的正确答案是D。 D.第二题的正确答案是A。 E.第三题的正确答案是C。答案:A解析:【A】解析:分析推理。由54题可知,目前选项情况如图:

考题 单选题You are confident about passing the coming test, ______A aren’t youB are youC is itD isn’t it正确答案:B解析:句意:你很自信能够通过这次考试,不是吗?反意疑问句陈述部分是肯定,那么反义部分就使用否定式。句中主语是you,故答案是A项。

考题 单选题Where will students probably know something about a coming test?A From their classmates.B From their teachers.C From reading materials.D From studying notes.正确答案:D解析:由第二段第一句“Pay attention to what your teacher gives about a coming test”,由此可知,学生主要是通过老师获取考试内容,故选B。

考题 小学英语?语法 一、考题回顾二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will grasp the usage of simple past tense. Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability in describing things happened in the past. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Students will arouse their interest in learning oral English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will grasp the usage of simple past tense. Students will improve their speaking ability in describing things happened in the past. Difficult Point: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Students will arouse their interest in learning oral English. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. Talk about the weather. 2. Sing a song called Yesterday Once More, and introduce today’s topic. Step 2: Presentation 1. Read the dialogue by the teacher, and ask what the dialogue is about. 2. Let the students open the book and read it for the second time, then ask the students to circle the verb in it and ask the similarities among them. They may say that they are different from the verbs they learned. “-ed” is added in some verbs at the end. 3. Tell them that simple past tense is a tense that is used to describe things happened in the past. When we apply it, you should change the verb into past tense. Then introduce the regular and irregular verbs. Step 3: Practice 1. Fill in the blanks. a. I _____(clean) the table after we had lunch last evening. b. My father_____(go) to the company yesterday. Step 4: Production 1. Make a dialogue with their deskmates about what the students did last weekend. Then invite some students to share their dialogue with their parents. 2. Ask the students to make up a simple story or a joke. Then invite some students to share it with us. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: make a brief summary of what we have learned today. Homework: Tell the story or the joke to their parents. Blackboard design:1. Please talk about your understanding of simple past tense. 2. How do you stimulate students’ interest in learning grammar?答案:解析:1. Simple past tense is a tense used to describe things happened in the past. When we use it, we need to change the verb into past tense. The verbs are changed in regular form or regular form. Regular verb only needs to add -ed at the end of a word, while irregular verbs have various forms. I will now show an example: My friend looked at me when I touched him. So that’s my understanding of simple past tense. 2. Grammar can be a little boring for students. But it is essential to learn English. So different activities can be arranged to attract their attention. For example, in the warming-up, I sang a song called Yesterday Once More so that they will know this grammar point is around us and frequently used. Then, in the presentation part, I will let the students take the initiative to find the rules of simple past tense. At last, I asked students to talk about their daily lives and share stories or jokes with simple past tense, so they will use the tense and do not get bored with much mechanical drilling. So I believe they will be interested in my grammar lesson.

考题 教师自己的观点对学生是唯一正确的答案。 () A.对 B.错答案:B解析:教师自己的观点只能作为一个范例,而不是唯一正确的答案。

考题 单选题What’s the starting point and destination of the English course? _____A Impart the knowledge.B The students’ development.C Language usage.D Habit formation.正确答案:D解析:英语课程的出发点和归宿是学生的发展。

考题 单选题Few students failed in the exam at the end of last term,() ?A do theyB didn’t theyC don’t theyD did they正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题Which of the following strategies belongs to communication strategy?A When speaking English, the students can realize the mistakes and correct them.B The students often talk about their own feelings about learning with classmates and teachers.C The students communicate with others by using gestures and expressions.D The students use reference books to get more information.正确答案:C解析:

考题 第①处的正确答案是()。 A.报告 B.请示 C.通知 D.议案答案:B解析:根据材料可知,公文发文机关为“市政务公开工作办公室”,主送机关为“市人民政府办公厅”,是一篇上行文;再根据文中“请批示”等词可知,公文的文种应为“请示”。故本题选B。

考题 单选题What’s the passage about?A A description of an English book.B A description of an English course.C A description of life in Los Angeles.D A description of weekend visits to San Francisco.正确答案:A解析:根据对短文的整体理解以及文章的第一句话“We provide summer English courses and you will enjoy learning about American culture and improve your English.”可知本文是对一门英语课程的介绍。